

Reputation, Digital Twin, Dating | Calgary, AB, Canada | 4 Employees | Est 2014 |

Company Overview

Reputation API for the modern dating world. There is significant risk in online dating and there needs to be a better way to hold daters accountable. Peeple allows dating apps like Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Badoo, Feeld, The League and many more to increase safety of their users by rating people on their apps using key words and a 5 star rating scale.



Julia Cordray

Founder and CEO


Nicole McCullough

Silent Co-Founder


Devvrat Arya



Paras Botadra

Lead Developer

Company Journey

Peeple initially started out as a place where people can look each other up and safely manage their online reputation. Pivoting 1.5 years later after winning a pitch event in Silicon Valley to its Billion Dollar idea, hidden in an API for the share economy. The founder; Julia Cordray, travels the world telling the David and Goliath story of Peeple. The company went so viral in October of 2015 that you can see 1000s of articles online, interviews with Julia, Dr. Phil, John Oliver, Access Hollywood, Black Mirror - Nose Dive Episode, Vanity Fair, GQ Magazine and so many more…..cementing it as a firm part of the tech culture. Just don’t believe everything you read online…through the virality Peeple proved just why it is needed!

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